When you are a teenage, science says that there are a couple of changes that affect your growth factored into physical and emotional changes. I dearly perceive that all this have a great impact on one’s mental health. The most interesting part of it all is the specific change which is the effects of peer pressure.
You come to be sabotaged by the impacts of peer pressure when you are more than just a teenage. When you are an adult, a stage of self-justifications of perfections that are entirely nothing pretty much but just a mechanism to habitat in the environment we are in. Its so sad that at this stage you never get to know the king behind your slavery just as much as you don’t realize that you are really enslaved.
One part I don’t agree with science is the giving up on the most important point of research, adulating. The stepping into the real road of life that to some is a prepared partway by whomever the john the Baptist is in their lives while to some like us is all but a mystery, an imagination that to an extend I would love to call a hope for an unknown tomorrow.
The truth is real peer pressure comes in after college/university. The questions of who, how, when, where and why are answered. A great journey is set just after school, that is a journey to social approval. We are all probably trying to understand who we really are beyond the guidance of a guardian or parent. The point when you have to father/ mother yourself at the same time prove to the society that you are up to something, that you are doing something meaningful/ respectful. That which makes you deserve to be called by your own name.
This is the point when you can barely answer the question who am I? what am I doing? Why am I doing this? Who am I doing it for? When will I stop doing this? There lies an unprecedented self within your skin. In comparisons of the people we were with , you either have a real story or you are photoshopping a story to buy yourself some respect. Its at this point when you have to book a seat at the dinner table, and that can only happen depending on your level of importance to the other members of the dinner table.
In this state living is battling, to some their worlds become some sought of limbo. There is a war within the skin, a battle in the veins. There is a force, a pressure that is exerted opposite to the skin from within and outside. And every bond that is broken, a judgement of importance is passed. Reasons for breaking of relationships are blamed to self insufficiency, financial inculpabilities or wrong social standings. We are trying to break walls that at times don’t even exist. Walls that if narrowed down well are imaginations.
What do I have? Disqualifies you from a number of social gatherings. And so is love measured down to this. Who do I know remains to be the quickest ladder to the top. Quick fix solutions come in, when you are a woman you start thinking of how to become a trophy wife and for men, you chose the part of being a con. Real family relations are narrowed down to how much I can earn from you. Children are not seen as an important part of social growth. They are perceived as a hinderance, a shame, no one wants to associate with it. You have a kid? And no stability? A bigger reason for you to be alone.
There are risks taken at this stage, lives lost in the drain of looking for importance, friendships lost, and beliefs made. The real face of scammers, heartless treatments, step ups of life become more real and to some extend, enlightenment is lost in the distinguishing of humanity. Oneness of being is separated and God for us all and everyman for himself becomes the real deal.
What do you do when you become pregnant at this stage of life and to kill it off, a single parent. The blessings of parenting, become an unanswerable question. A topic that cannot be explained in whichever forms of words. Its then accounted to you as the biggest mistake ever made. None of your agemates want to associate with something of such sought and now its talked of like some omen and you realize that despite the fall out of things that’s your forever to be role, parenting.
What do you do when the people you have always believed will stand by you for natural reasons fall of the hook of your importance. out of choice or demise, you watch your support system disappear without your control and there you can see your world crumple down.
What do you do when what you figured out to be is not?
Don’t worry about all this, we will discuss on how to navigate through peer pressure in adulting on our next blog. Please leave a comment or a story of a past experience in line with the same.